The worst thing about the news is when you read it and realize you’ve been sold a bunch of nonsense. Examples of news headlines Are examples of news. For example: “The Government is planning to take over your mortgage!” Or “New Study: Warming Causes Cancer.”
Examples of bad news items are examples of bad news. These news items are typically exaggerations designed to make a story more interesting, more dramatic, or just make the reader feel bad for being so mean-spirited. Examples of bad news are: “He cut his finger with a butter knife!” “The kitten died from a rare condition.” “A girl was killed in a carjacking.”
This begs the question: just how much of what we read and hear is truly informative? How much is opinion, spin, or exaggeration? Many journalists say that their job is not to tell people what they want to hear but rather to document what they hear and experience. Perhaps this is the most difficult concept to grasp, but it is a worthy one. Reporting is not about pleasing someone else, but rather about telling people the truth.
When you’re writing a news story you’re engaging a different type of audience. You are not writing to inform the reader. You are writing to entertain. Readers will be entertained when you take the time to explain things in a way that makes sense to them. When you make news value your primary objective, it is obvious that readers will connect with what you are saying and will be intrigued by the story you’ve placed together.
Many times we like to see things that are unusual or extraordinary. These stories make news because many people have an emotional reaction. They are excited or bothered by something that is either happening or has been going on. When you make news value your primary objective is to entertain. This may affect how the rest of the story is told as well.
Even though it may seem odd or even silly to talk about human interest, it has a deep significance to the world of journalism. When you write about people or events that are newsworthy, you are affecting readers in a way that cannot be explained by any amount of advertisement. When readers are affected, you are making them feel good. This makes it easier to connect with them emotionally. If you can entertain readers through news stories while explaining what is going on or why, then you have successfully created news content.